Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back to the Grind and a New Training Plan!

Sunday afternoon I hopped on a train and headed back down the Hudson. 

There are some landscapes that are ingrained into your fibers and very much a part of you. 

I feel that way about the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers. Just thinking about them makes me feel at home!

It's back to the grind, nutritionally, for this girl. As you saw in my vacation recaps, we at DECADENTLY! I don't take any of it back, but man, it threw me for a loop!

Protein oats with PB fit the bill nicely. 

Before Christmas, I picked up this bag of Pumpkin Spice Fall In Love Coffee- it caught my eye because I noticed that they donate a portion of the proceeds to improving the lives of their farmers. Fair trade and practices that benefit coffee growers are VERY, VERY important to me. I'm happy to report that buying this coffee satisfies both your conscience AND your taste buds! :)

In other news, I received some RoC Retinol samples as a Klout perk- I started using it last night- I'll let you know my thoughts once I've worked my way through the two tubes they sent me!


I eased my way back into training with a 3 mile run yesterday, with the incline on 3. I'll be doing A LOT of incline work, as Tough Mudder VT is on... a mountain... Tonight will be a 4 mile run with 3 incline and some upper body work. 

I have a strange aversion to swimming for fitness. It's REALLY bizzare. I'm a fish- you cannot keep me out of the water, but something about doing laps back and forth sounds so horrifically boring to me. There's some swimming in the TM, though, so I'm assigning myself AT LEAST one swim this week. 

And now- off to school! Today is my "day off", but I'll be on campus from 11-9. The agenda looks something like this: 

-Individual meeting with program head
-Lunch meeting with classmate
-Graduate Theatre Organization Meeting
-Meeting with the director of my upcoming show
-Rehearsal with scene partner
-Rehearsal for a directing student's scene that I'm working in

Does anyone else's "days OFF" look like this? Jeez Louise.