Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Perfectly Simple with ZonePerfect Event

A few weeks back, I had the privilege of joining the ZonePerfect team and several local bloggers/ writers for a relaxing morning at the beautiful Chelsea Piers. I snapped several pictures but sadly had my first (and hopefully last) experience with corrupted files at the end of a full memory card/ low battery, and I can't view any of them. The ZonePerfect team had my back, though, and sent me these images to share!

We began the day with a brief but relaxing yoga session led by Lisa Kirchner, who combined aromatheraphy with some soothing poses to get us centered.

After the class we were escorted to lunch where we enjoyed delicious salads and sandwiches and settled in to listen to the day's speakers.

Bonnie Dewkett, CPO and owner of the Joyful Organizer, LLC, offered some tips on our relationship to stuff and gave us three principles of organization to live by: 

-A place for everything and everything in it's place.
-Do a ten-minute-tidy daily.
-Do one thing a day that helps you meet your organizational goals.

Bonnie gave us a copy of her book, 50 Tips to Get You Organized in 10 Minutes or Less! which I cannot wait to read!

Kathy Alcoba, a CPT, spoke about efficient and sustainable ways to stay fit, including lots of gym-free options (stairs, dancing, boxing, resistance bands, stability balls) and stressed that no matter what you do to get sweaty, you MUST enjoy it, or you simply won't stick with it.

Heather Bauer, a RD and CDN, author of The Wall Street Diet and Bread is the Devil, spoke to us about simplifying nutrition. You can take control of your diet in a major way by doing some simple pre-planning- especially when traveling/ dining out. 

Heather gave us copies of Bread is the Devil- I'm psyched to dive in once I finish my summer reading for school. 

We were given samples of the new Perfectly Simple Bars- Cranberry Almond, Peanut Crunch and Toasted Coconut. These bars are delicious, and with only 10 ingredients, appx 170-200 calories and 10g of protein, these make excellent snacks or small meals (paired with a piece of fruit or a yogurt). 

Many thanks to the ZonePerfect team, guest speakers and other bloggers for an awesome morning!