Friday, June 21, 2013

Emerging from my Chrysalis, OR my One Year Absentia.

Howdy. It's been a while. A long while. If your first thought is "Who IS this person appearing on my Reader Feed?" - don't feel bad! It's been one week short of a year since I've last dribbled some musings into Blogger's editor and published it into your consciousness. We'll get reacquainted, don't you fret, and perhaps better than ever! 

A lot has changed, around here. 2012 was one of the most transformative years I've experienced yet, and while it felt at times like the end of the world, the light beyond the trauma is bright and warm. While I do not plan on digging into the full details of exactly what these changes consisted of, know that my life is now nearly unrecognizable. I hope you'll still come along for the ride!

Since I've been gone:

I won a very prestigious Brooklyn College Alumni Association Award for service to my department, the school community at large, and the borough of Brooklyn.

I've had amazing roles in several plays:

Reconcile, Bitch

Bring a Weasel and a Pint of Your Own Blood Festival

Featuring Loretta

A Murder of Crows

Yeah Girl, Whatever

I got certified by the SAFD in Unarmed Combat!

I lost my home and all my belongings in Hurricane Sandy. I haven't shared these pictures yet.

Went to Costa Rica- a week by myself to ring in the new year and new beginnings, and a week with an old friend for some much needed girl time.

I got my Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from Brooklyn College!

And now, I'm preparing for one of the biggest shows I've ever been in- The Four Seasons NYC, moving into a new, stable and positive living situation (the 6th place I've stayed in the past 9 months), and remembering/ relearning what the real, non-grad school world is like.

This blog will change, too, I suspect. I recognize in myself the former desire to create a FITNESS blog, but it was never quite that, or a TRAVEL blog, but it was never quite that, or a FOOD blog, but it was never quite that, either. One of my big lessons of late has been letting go of preconceived notions and judgements and just seeing what things are. So let's see what this is.