Thursday, June 27, 2013


Yesterday AM was spent prepping for upcoming auditions and working on scripts for the two shows I'm in currently.

Outdoor rehearsals are enlightening, meditative and inspiring. They're also a great workout- we cover a lot of ground!

Yesterday afternoon we did some street promotion for The Four Seasons NYC. It's amazing how many people ask what you're doing when you just stop and stand still for a few minutes. 

 I found my new favorite threading salon. Never has something that hurt so much made me so excited! Perfect Brows NYC.

When Wet Seal is selling sunglasses 2 for $6 and you lose sunglasses as fast as I do, you stock up. Nevermind the fact that I was probably the only person over 21 in the entire store. 

When I got home, all I wanted was a smoothie in a bowl and a cold shower. 

In fitness news, I'm working up the nerve to do a body transformation series. Grad school was rough in a lot of ways- the first year I lost a ton of weight, all of it muscle, and the second year I put it back on- none of it muscle. I'm in a very transitional place in my life, so I'm eager to get settled and start a routine, but in the meantime, I'm squeezing in all the sweat I can. Like a kettlebell ass kicking. Startinggggggg...... NOW.

How do you get yourself back on track?