Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday's Eats and Tweets

Yesterday was a typical manic school day- I grabbed a red banana and an English Muffin with PB to snarf on the train. 

We had a double class with our Voice professor and we worked up a sweat during our dance-party warmup, so on our 10 minute break I fueled up with a Clif Mojo Bar! I. LOVE. THESE. That is all. 

Our lunch break was abbreviated due to the double class, but we had enough time to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine! I had some TJ's Seaweed Snacks, an Olympus Strawberry Greek Yogurt (SO. GOOD), some Food Should Taste Good Lime Tortilla's and some TJ's Tatziki. Dessert was 2 PB chocolate cookies! Naturally, I also sucked down a huge iced coffee... Addict...

We got sweaty in our Speech class as well- we played a game where each of us spoke the piece of text we're currently working on (Tennyson's Lady of Shalott if you're curious...) while physically trying to cross the room and touch the back wall. Our classmates served as human barriers. Lots of bear hugs, slide tackles and clotheslines ensued. By the end, we were all sweaty messes, but our breathing was free and organic, so our delivery of our lines was far less manufactured. Mission accomplished! 

After class I rehearsed for a few hours with one of my scene partners and then headed home. I enjoyed leftover Stirfry-urry and set to work finishing my Everest-sized pile of homework (with a little multitasking thrown in)! The lovely Katy Widrick hosted Fitblog Chat last night- one of my favorite questions was: 

"What has surprised you most about blogging?"

Fact. You guys inspire me. 

Happy Wednesday, pals!